Stuck in a negative environment? Being put down when you are excited and motivated to pursue your goals?
I can understand how discouraging that can be because I have personally experienced that. Whether it’s from your colleagues, manager, friends, or perhaps most damaging, from your loved ones. They always criticize you when you are giving your best, saying that you can’t do it, you are not good enough, stop dreaming, and just do what you are supposed to do. Their behavior not only influences your thoughts and affects your mental health, but also hinders your potential.
A positive mindset is essential to be successful in any aspect of life, but how do you remain positive when you are surrounded by negative people?
Don’t take it personally
It is not about you, even if it seems like it. Negative people only see the negatives, they are hard-wired to think that way. Sometimes they are not trying to attack you or judge you, they are just more prone to potential danger and risk. If you understand that sometimes it’s not about you, you can filter what they say.
These people are insecure
Some people are very insecure about themselves. They might try to put you down and tell you how bad you are to make them feel superior. These individuals have low self-esteem and seek self-worth and approval. They can’t improve themselves to earn it, so they criticize others to make them feel better. Learn to ignore what these individuals say about you because most of what they say is not true.
Be rational, not emotional
One thing I always tell myself when I receive criticism is, if it is true, why are you angry, if it is not, why should you be angry? If it is true, why are you angry? You should thank them for letting you know your blind spots. If what they say is not true, why should you react to it? When others criticize you, evaluate the verity of their statements, but don’t react to how those words make you feel. Be rational, not emotional.
Find ways to experience positivity
If you are surrounded by people who are full of negative thoughts, you have to create an environment that allows you to stay positive. Watching motivational videos, listening to podcasts, or hanging out with optimistic individuals. Do whatever you can to isolate yourself mentally and physically from the negative environment.
Focus on your goals
If others are killing your confidence and motivation with their words, you need a focused mindset. Focus on your goals and nothing else. Whatever they say or think of you in this situation, does not help you achieve your goals. Learn to filter them and focus on what you must do.
When a bottle is filled with filthy water, it needs to be emptied and filled with clean water. When you are filled with negative energy, you need to release it and fill yourself with positive energy. Find time and a place to meditate; it’s an effective way to reset your mindset and fill yourself with positivity
Speak up
Most people just endure and suffer, but most of the time, what you can do is speak up. Have earnest conversations with them, be honest and open, tell them how you feel, and that they are not helping. You might be surprised by how easily these problems can be solved.
Escape the negative environment
Finally, the easiest solution but the hardest way to stay positive is to escape that environment. The culprit is those people around you, so move out, cut ties with them, or fire your boss. The least you can do is avoid these individuals as much as possible. This is your last resort if none of the methods above work.
Bottom Line
It is incredibly challenging to stay positive in a negative environment, but it’s not impossible. If you are reaching a breaking point, the final tip will be your solution to this problem.